About Merrifield Farms


Merrifield Farms (est. 2014) is an Eastern Ontario family run producer of grass fed, free range chicken. We sell directly from our farm to you, serving communities from Ottawa to Kingston. In 2017, we were proud to announce the addition of free range meat chickens to our operation.

Our chickens are started in an environmentally controlled space within our open chicken coop. When the chicks have matured and begin to feather, they are relocated to pasture. In the pasture we have a mobile barn, with no floor and open walls, to provide shelter and protection for the chickens. This allows them the freedom to naturally choose their preferred environment.

Farmer(s) Ryan Merrifield
Address 4 Rice Road
Jasper ON K0G 1G0
Our Products Poultry
Our Practices Non GMO
Our Markets Merrickville and Ottawa Farmers' Markets, farm gate, local retails stores and Baldachinn Restaurant
Phone 613-809-6217
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Email ryan.e.merrifield@gmail.com
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