About Three Forks Farms


Peggy & Eric have been farming for 5 years. As a certified organic operation, we grow a huge variety of vegetables and are a proud participant under the “Artisanal Chicken Program”. Our products are also sold at Eat Local Sudbury. We look forward to meeting customers at the North Bay Farmers’ Market and The Market in Sudbury. CSA pick up available at Thursday York Street Market.

Farmer(s) Peggy Bailie & Eric Blondin
Address 719 Sutcliffe Road
Warren ON P0H 2N0
Our Products Poultry and variety of vegetables
Our Practices Certified organic
Our Markets North Bay Farmers' Market including the Market in Sudbury, retails stores, restaurants & CSA pick up at Thursday York Street Market, Sudbury
Phone 705-665-1756
Website http://www.threeforksfarms.com
Email eat@threeforksfarms.com
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