About Waratah Downs Organic Farm


Waratah Downs Organic Farm is 80 acres situated approximately 8 km west of Perth towards Westport.

We are committed to being a part of a local food system that provides our customers and communities with fresh, local and organic produce. We invite you to be a part of a vibrant food movement by joining our SUMMER 2018 CSA Program, visiting us at our farmers market stands and taking time to visit us on the farm.Our CSA is available in Ottawa, Perth, Carleton Place and Kanata.

Waratah Downs Farm has been certified organic since 2000. We are also members of Savour Ottawa.

Farmer(s) John Weatherhead
Address 3444 Scotch Line
Perth ON K7H 3C5
Our Products Variety of fresh vegetables
Our Practices Certified Organic
Our Markets Carp, Ottawa and Perth Farmers' Markets, CSA Program, retail stores such as Foodsmiths, Perth and Herb & Spice in Ottawa, ON
Phone 613-267-7050
Website http://waratahdowns.com/
Email waratahdowns@gmail.com
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