About Castor River Farm


At Castor River Farm you will find George Wright’s popular rolled and steel-cut oats, as well as a wide variety of other grains such as spelt, rye, buckwheat, barley, and wheat. All grains are milled into flour while you wait. In addition to freshly milled flour, Castor River Farm features heritage pork, eggs, and chicken, all pasture raised. They provide sausages, ham, bacon, and pepperettes as well as common cuts of pork. Castor River Farm does not use pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. All electricity for the farm, store, and home is provided by a wind generator and photovoltaic (solar) panels.

Farmer(s) George Wright & Kim MacMullin
Address 2696 9th Line Road
Metcalfe ON K0A 2P0
Our Products grain, flour, rolledand steel cut oats, heritage pastured pork
Our Practices non certified organic, many biodynamic practices, everything is milled and rolled fresh
Our Markets Ottawa Lansdowne Farmers' Market, Eastern Ontario Local Food Coop, the farm store
Phone 613-821-0807
Website http://www.castorriverfarm.ca
Email casterriverfarm@gmail.com
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