About Corn Acre Farms


“Our grandchildren are seventhgeneration farmers,” says Gale Banks of the farm she and husband Neil call home. Neil has spent the past 45 years specializing in the care and harvest of sweet corn – a local staple –and his 100-acre vegetable garden supplies countless markets in nearby communities. Providing local people with access to nutritious, flavourful produce is a privilege the Banks family doesn’t take for granted. Neil and Gale find that the buy local movement reinforces the notion that “farmers are the backbone of this country.”

Farmer(s) Neil Banks & Families
Address 1757 Summers Road
Lyndhurst ON K0E 1N0
Our Products Beans, beets, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, corn, cucumbers, green peas, onions, peppers, potatoes, squash, sweet potato, tomatoes
Our Practices Conventional & chemial free; Environmental Farm Plan participant
Our Markets Brockville, Kingston & Gananoque Farmers' Markets, Wnedy's Country Market, on-farm
Phone 613-928-2977
Website http://www.cornacrefarms.com
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Email cornacres@ripnet.com
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