About Ann Slater Fresh Organic Vegetables


Ann Slater has been an organic farmer since the 1990’s. She is conscious of protecting the environment and to grow selected crops for her shoppers. Each year over 45 households from the St. Marys area sign up for her CSA to receive her fresh produce every week throughout the season. She made the decision to remain small and to rely on her own labour. She loves to spend time growing vegetables for her community. You will find her at the St. Marys Farmers’ Market.

Farmer(s) Ann Slater
Address 157030 15th line, RR #1
Lakeside ON N0M 2G0
Our Products Variety of fresh vegetables
Our Practices Certified Organic
Our Markets St. Marys Farmers' Market and CSA orders
Phone 519-349-2448
Website http://www.annslaterorganics.com
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Email aslater@quadro.net
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