About Belluz Farms


“As the 3rd generation responsible for the stewardship of our land, we’re continually maintaining and improving our sustainable practices,” says Kevin when describing the commitment that the Belluz family faithfully fulfills on the farm that his grandparents founded in 1946. Today, 200 acres are under field production and the remaining 100 acres are dedicated to wetland, bush and replanted forest. Kevin’s plant biology studies at Guelph have inspired and enabled ecologically sound practices, both on the land and in their greenhouse.“For me it’s all about the food,” jokes Jodi, whose teaching skills and cooking expertise are evident in the popular canning and preserving classes offered at Belluz Farms.

Farmer(s) Kevin & Jodi Belluz & family
Address 752 Candy Mountain Drive
Slate River ON
Our Products field: strawberries, raspberries, wide variety of garden vegetables, sweet corn, pumpkins; greenhouse: organically grown greens, vegetable transplants, bedding plants, planters
Our Practices sustainable agriculture practices: crop rotation, conservation, integrated pest management etc.; Environmental Farm Plan registered
Our Markets on-site: Farm Market Store, Harvest Café, Greenhouse & Pick Your Own - May thru October; in town: The Little Red Barn - summer & fall, Thunder Bay Country Market, local grocers & restaurants; CSB (gift card) shares
Phone 807-475-5181
Email kevin@belluzfarms.on.ca
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