About Cedar Hedge Farm


Cedar Hedge Farm is a small off the grid farm located on HWY 28 (Country Road 28) in Northumberland County. The focus of the farm is to work with nature and the land to produce healthy food that is connected to the land it grows on. As stewards of the land it’s our responsibility to make sure not only the food but also the land is healthy. By using natural fertilizers, botanicals and companion planting as well as fostering an environment for predatory birds and bugs, we have no need for commercial, man-made chemicals.

Farmer(s) Chris Marcucci
Address 7612 Country Road 28
Campbellcroft ON L0A1B0
Our Products Variety of fresh vegetables and fruit
Our Practices Non-certified organic, off grid no spray farm
Our Markets Cobourg, East Lynn MyMarkets (Toronto), Suntree in Port Hope, Market & Smor in Cobourg and CSA
Phone 905-375-9488
Website http://www.cedarhedgefarm.ca
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Email chris@cedarhedgefarm.ca
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