About Earth’s Harvest Farm


A first generation off-grid non-certified organic farm in Oxford Mills. We have a multi species rotational grazing operation. We have pastured poultry and pork along with 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.

We have a seasonal organic garden for our Farm TO Fork products such as sausages, preserves, sauces, dips, baked goods and a whole lot more. We also have organic pastured eggs for pick up at the farmgate.

Farmer(s) Luke & Liza Swale
Address 991 County Road 18
Oxford Mills ON K0G 1S0
Our Products Beef, pork, poultry, lamb and turkey
Our Practices Organic (non certified), Environmental Protection Plan participant, conservation partnership with Ducks Unlimited for 60 acres of our farmland, intensive rotational grazing practices for chickens, turkeys, sheep, cows and pigs.
Our Markets Ottawa & Carp Farmers' Markets and at the farm
Phone 613-258-8946
Website http://earthsharvestfarm.ca
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Email earthsharvestfarm@gmail.com
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