About From the Meadow


“It felt like home and we put down our roots,” says Brenda Daniel, who has been farming since 1978. She and her husband Dave, along with their daughter Heather, grow, harvest and manufacture a variety of natural herb products on their 5-acre plot. They call their business an “adventure” and are passionate about creating revitalizing and relaxing healing creams, scrubs, shampoos, soaps, make-up and more with their own herbs and other natural ingredients.

Farmer(s) Brenda & David Daniel
Address 3881 Avon Drive
Belmont ON N0L 1B0
Our Products Herbs
Our Practices Non-certified organic growing. Non-GMO Certified Organic Soya Oil as a base for products.
Our Markets Weekdays 10-4 on-farm, year-round; Pick-Your-Own; Horton Farmers’ Market in St. Thomas, Western Fair Farmers’ Market, Western Fair Market, London, Clovermead Apiaries, Whole Foods Oakville, Talbotville Berry Farm
Phone 519-269-3961
Website http://www.fromthemeadow.com
Email Brenda@fromthemeadow.com
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