About Greystead Gardens


Inspired by Eliot Coleman’s work on season extension processes, Dave and Dominga enjoy the challenges and benefits of small scale organic farming from seed to harvest throughout the year.

In their third year of operation, they love the daily rhythm of tending and harvesting the over fifty vegetables and herbs they grow intensively in order to achieve peak flavour and nutrient value. Also they are energized by the people they meet during their weekly forays to markets in the London and Strathroy area. They encourage you to share your favourite recipes with them so that we can all enjoy the best of nature’s bounty!

Farmer(s) Dave & Dominga Hamilton
Address 10098 Greystead Drive
Denfield ON N0M 1P0
Our Products Variety of fresh vegetables and herbs
Our Practices Organic (non certified), no GMO seed, no artificial herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers, crop rotation and biologically intensive raised beds
Our Markets London Covent Garden, Masonville, Downtown Strathroy and West Five Farmers' Markets
Phone 519-872-6096
Website http://greystead-gardens.business.site
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Twitter Visit Twitter page
Email greysteadgardens@gmail.com
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