H & H Lacroix
About H & H Lacroix
Hervé Lacroix has been farming for 37 years. 37 ans sur la ferme et au Marché.
Farmer(s) |
Hervé Lacroix
Address |
5138 Frank Kenny Road
Vars ON
K0A 3H0
Our Products |
Strawberries, melons, cherries, watermelon, blueberries, wide range of vegetables including a huge assortment of annuals and perrenials. |
Our Practices |
Conventional |
Our Markets |
Ottawa ByWard, Parkdale, Landsdowne & Bayshore Farmers' Markets |
Phone |
613-835-3545, 613-720-4465 |
Email |
hervelacroix1956@hotmail.com |
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H H Lacroix2017-10-24T23:21:38+00:00