About Halsall’s Honey


“I keep bees because I’m passionate about them,” Brent cheerfully confesses, “selling the products is a bonus!” Brent and Audrey have been beekeepers since 1982. Today, they manage about 200 hives located in seven bee yards strategically located for production of the golden wildflower honey which is the Halsall’s distinctive specialty. In addition to honey the Halsall’s sell bees and beehives to hobbyist and commercial beekeepers. As Past President of the Ontario Beekeepers Association, Brent is active in efforts to combat the serious problems currently affecting bees and ultimately threatening our food crops that depend on them.

Farmer(s) Brent & Audrey Halsall
Address 7328 Stone School Rd
Greely ON K4P 1M3
Our Products wildflower honey, churned honey, beeswax candles, beeswax & honey bees
Our Practices Wildflower bee yards, non-pasteurized, no use of antibiotics or hard chemicals
Our Markets Ottawa Farmers' Market, delivery upon request
Phone 613-821-4336
Email ab.halsall@sympatico.ca
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