About Just Farms


Founded in 1982, we started in the wholesale business but have since shifted our focus on the retail business.  We love to watch things grow and enjoy dealing with the public on a personal basis.

We sell at various farmers’ markets including Quirky Carrot Restaurant and retails stores such as Ceadars Co. Ottawa and Beveridge in Kemptville, ON. We are proud supporter of North Glengarry Community Food Box (CSA).

Farmer(s) Joanne & Marc Just
Address 19918 Little Third Road
Alexandria ON K0C 1A0
Our Products Huge varieties of quality vegetables including strawberries, meons and gound cherries
Our Practices Conventional
Our Markets Alexandria, Kemptville, Ottawa Lansdowne, Kanata and Maxville Farmers' Markets
Phone 613-577-0557, 613-551-8113
Email justfarms@xplornet.com
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