About Just Food Farm


The Savour Ottawa brand provides you with instant recognition for local agricultural products. When you see the Savour Ottawa logo at farmers’ markets, butcheries, retail grocery stores and more, you can feel assured that each product or establishment with the logo has undergone a verification process to ensure that they are using local food in their products, or are a local producer.

Savour Ottawa works to develop and promote Ottawa and area as a premier, year-round culinary destination, with robust offerings of local foods and experiences for both locals and visitors to the area.

Farmer(s) Moe Garahan, Executive Director
Address 2389 Pepin Court
Ottawa ON K1B 4Z3
Our Products Variety of vegetables
Our Practices Certified organic
Our Markets Savour Ottawa Online depot operated at the Parkdale Farmers' Market. There are additional markets attended, varied among Start-Up farm businesses.
Phone 613-924-7771
Website http://www.justfood.ca
Email moe@justfood.ca
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