About Linda’s Garden


Gardening has always been in my family as I know it. I am currently the third generation to produce vegetables. I’ve grown up in that domain. I started selling vegetables for my mom when I was only eight years old. Gardening is my passion. I have recently expanded this passion and decided to start growing my own fruits and vegetables to provide the freshness that we all love. I am now able to continue the tradition that my grandparents and parents passed on to me. I cherish the land and love to see the results. Luckily, I have my three daughters to help me for harvesting and selling the produce on the market.

Farmer(s) Linda Bergeron
Address 3948 Navan Road
Navan ON K4B 1M7
Our Products beets, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, colour carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, garlic, green peas, herbs (basil, parsley, dill), kale, kohlrabi, leaks, lettuce, onions, green onions, sweet and hot peppers, potatoes, squash, swish chard, tomatoes, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, summer savory, patty pans, radishes, bok choy, watermelon, cantaloupes, ground cherry, sunflowers, spanish onions, leaks
Our Practices Crop rotation, sheep manure
Our Markets Cumberland, Ottawa (Landsdowne), Westboro and Orleans Farmers' Markets
Phone 613-835-9066
Email linda.wreaths@hotmail.com
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