About Lipsitt Orchards


At Lipsitt Orchards our roots run deep in our soil and our community. For almost 130 years, from dawn to dusk, the Lipsitt family has been proud to provide Canadians with a piece of Niagara’s fresh experience! The first seed was planted in 1893 by Richard Lipsitt on his fruit farm in Grimsby Ontario. The goal was simple – to provide our community with fresh fruit at a fair price. This way of life was inherited by his son Gordon and passed along to his son Strathearn. Five proud generations since the beginning, you’ll find Strathearn’s grandson Cory continuing this tradition while reminding our community that “Farmers feed cities”. Our experience, dedication, passion and pride, drive us to provide Canadians with some of the freshest fruit the Niagara region produces. At Lipsitt Orchards we grow a multiple variety of apples, pears and grapes. Lipsitt Orchards – growing since 1893!

Farmer(s) Beverly Lipsitt & Cory Lipsitt
Address 446 Kemp Road West
Grimsby ON L3M 4E7
Our Products Apples, pears, grapes and plums
Our Practices Conventional
Our Markets Cambridge Farmers' Market and National Grape Co-Op - Welch's
Phone 905-945-4227
Email lipsittfarms@gmail.com
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