About Log House


We are a small farm where we care for rescued horses, grow perennials, vegetables, berries, and fruit.  We also have a few lovingly raised chickens.  Shelly is an artisan who spins, dyes yarn, weaves, crochets and knits.  We sell these products in the cottage on the farm.  Much of our produce goes into preserves- jams, jellies, pickles.

Farmer(s) Greer & Shelly Knox
Address 7383 Fourth Line Road, P.O. Box 255
North Gower ON K0A 2T0
Our Products Beets, cucumbers, herbs, onions, peppers, rhubarb, squash, swiss chard, tomatoes, apples, currants, pears, plums, elderberries, blackberries & gooseberries
Our Practices Non-certified organic
Our Markets Ottawa (Landsdowne), Main and North Gower Farmers' Markets including University of Ottawa
Phone 613-489-0434
Email gknox@uottawa.ca
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