About Meadow Greens Nursery


Celebrating over 30 years of growing, Jane and Tony Hendrikx of Meadow Greens Nursery grow unique and original Victorian Baskets, perennials, veggie plants, potted plants, decorative patio pots, flower pouches, herbs, fall mums and much more. Our customers comment that we are really original in what we do and come from miles around each season to see what we’ve been up to.

Farmer(s) Jane and Tony Hendrikx
Address 4239 Gregoire Road
Russell ON K4R 1E5
Our Products We grow a huge selection of Victorian hanging baskets, veggie and herb plants, flowering annuals and potted plants, unique and original patio pots and containers, perennials, colourful fall mums and flowering kale and much, much more.
Our Practices We use biological controls in the greenhouses (predator bugs).
Our Markets Farm gate, Metcalfe & Ottawa (Landsdowne) Farmers' Markets
Phone (613) 445-3042
Website http://www.www.meadowgreensnursery.ca
Email hendrikx@xplornet.com
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