About Meadow Sweet Farm


Meadow Sweet Farm is a fourseason, certified organic farm. We specialize in salad greens, heirloom veggies, HOPS, grass-fed beef, heritage breed pork, chicken eggs and honey.

Farmer(s) Mel Holmes
Address 12102 Warden Avenue
Gormley ON L0H1G0
Our Products Beets, Carrots, Swiss Chard, Cucumbers and Tomatoes, Babyleaf greens
Our Practices Certified Organic, Environmental Protection Plan, Crop rotation
Our Markets AppleTree Markets, East Lynn Park MyMarket, The Leslieville Farmers' Market, Our produce is sold and used on a number of menus around the city. We sell through 100km Foods Inc to restaurants as well as direct. We also host 'Meadow Sweet Mondays' --where chefs and restaurants enjoy touring our farm and picking dinner!, Summerhill Market, Harvest Wagon (Toronto) The Village Grocer (Unionville), Natures Emporium ( Newmarket), We offer a CSA through selected parts of Toronto (primarily central), farm gate
Phone 416-258-0216
Website http://www.meadowgreensnursery.ca
Email mel@meadowsweetfarm.ca
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