About Molly’s Acres


Molly’s Acres started in 2017 just outside of Buckhorn. It is a small family farm which grows a variety of vegetables and herbs. The lettuces, greens and herbs are grown using an environmentally sustainable aeroponic technology.

Root vegetables, more space demanding produce and some other vegetables are still grown in soil. We are proud to say that all our products are grown without the use of harmful pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides.

The farm is named after Molly, our Golden Retriever. The love that she was always so willing and eager to give is the same love that we put into the care of our family farm and the products that we offer.

Farmer(s) Joyce Arscott
Address 3029 Buckhorn Road
Lakefield ON K0L 2H0
Our Products Variety of fresh local vegetables
Our Practices Sustainable growing without the use of harmful pesticides or herbicides
Our Markets Lakefield Farmers' Market, local restaurants and retail stores
Phone 705-872-2426
Website http://mollysacres.ca
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Email joyce@mollysacres.ca
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