About Moore Orchards


“Local customers mean everything to our farm: they demand our fruit in local grocery stores and one year, saved us from debt by purchasing hail-damaged apples,“ says Heidi Behan. Heidi grew up on the orchard that she and her husband Patrick purchased nine years ago. No one was more pleased than Heidi’s parents when the farm won the National Apple Competition at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair last year. The love of growing tasty, healthy fruit to feed family and friends keeps this couple farming!

Farmer(s) Patrick & Heidi Behan
Address 1497 Moore Orchard Road
Cobourg ON K9A 4J8
Our Products Sweet corn, apples, apricots, blueberries, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, strawberries, rhubarb, preserves, pies, farm-pressed & pasteurized apple cider & vinegar
Our Practices Integrated Pest Management, Environmental Farm Plan, minimal spray
Our Markets On-site market, pick-your-own apples & strawberries, local grocery stores, Roseneath & Port Hope fall fairs, Cobourg Farmers' Market
Phone 905-372-3911
Email mooreorchards@xplornet.ca
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