About Orchard Park Farm


“I’ve always liked being outdoors and the independence of a plain, simple life,” says John when describing his enthusiasm for his 45-year career as an apple producer. John and his brother Les
honed their expertise in the management and development of their 13 acre orchard while working alongside their father & grandfather. Today, they carefully
tend approximately 1800 trees and harvest a wide variety of apples and pears. A longtime, popular vendor at the Kitchener Farmers’ Market, John notes that this opportunity to meet and greet his faithful customers is a much anticipated and enjoyed weekly event.

Farmer(s) John & Les Gyurits
Address 69 Howell Road
St. George ON N0E 1N0
Our Products Apples
Our Practices Conventional methods
Our Markets Kitchener Market
Phone 519-448-1613
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