About Ron-Lyn Farms


Ron-Lyn Farms was established 45 years ago. The farm has been in the family for over 100 years. From witnessing the miracle of a calf being born to working the land – farming is “in our blood.” We are proud to be a family farm offering antibiotic and hormone free products.

Farmer(s) Ron Harkness
Address 75 Bruce Road 28 RR #1
Clifford ON N0G 1M0
Our Products Beef, Pork and Free-Range Chickens
Our Practices Environmental Farm Plan, Land Stewardship including buffer strips, cattle fenced away from streams and over 2000 planted trees. We are Quality Assured on pigs and completed the Animal Care Assessment (ACA)
Our Markets By appointment or by chance. Howick Farmers’ Market, Farm Gate
Phone 519-367-2666
Email ronlynfarms@hotmail.com
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