About Shades of Gray Rabbitry & Indigenous Pet Treats


We love raising rabbits! Rabbits are a truly remarkable animal with many benefits to us and our pets. Eco- Friendly sustainable farming. Shades of Gray Rabbitry and Shades of Gray Indigenous Pet Treats are our family owned and operated farm businesses.

We are farmers that believe in local food products and there worth. We value raising rabbit meat from our Shades of Gray Rabbitry Farm. Our belief is Farm to Table. All of our rabbits are Federally Inspected and you can find them in Local Grocery Stores, Restaurants, Wineries, Butcher Shops, and of course at the Farm upon order.

Shades of Gray Indigenous Pet Treats is Farm to Bowl. We provide premium pet products that your fur babies will love. Made from our Federally inspected Rabbits, same Human Consumption quality just healthy treat products for our loving pets. Our farming methods when raising meat rabbits is not to over crowd, provide enrichment and everything we do is hands on in the barn.

Farmer(s) Keri Gray and Brian Chaney
Address 1346 4th Line East
Campbellford ON K0L 1L0
Our Products Federally-inspected rabbits
Our Practices Conventional
Our Markets Various farmers' markets, restaurants, retails and wholesale
Phone 705-778-2838
Website http://www.shadesofgrayrabbitry.ca
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Email Shadesofgrayrabbitry@gmail.com
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