About Shealand Farms


We bought our farm in the summer of 2012.  We raise Dorset Cross sheep and beef.  We started with a flock of 10 sheep to over 150 today.  We also have a herd of 30 beef cows that expand every year.  We are a proud participant of the Verified Beef Program.  We sell at farmers’ markets including at our farm gate by appointment.

Farmer(s) Marie & Adam Shea
Address 456 Lifford Road
Bethany ON L0A 1A0
Our Products Beef and Dorset sheep
Our Practices Environmental Program Plan and Verified Beef Program
Our Markets Peterborough Downtown (Wed); Peterborough Fairgrounds (Sat) & Millbrook Farmers' Markets including farm gate by appointment
Phone 705-931-7142
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Twitter Visit Twitter page
Email mheffermanshea@gmail.com
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