About Spring House Garlic


Spring House Garlic is a small family owned project that specializes in growing garlic. We started growing garlic in very small quantities in 2012 and have built up our inventory of gourmet garlic over the years. Our plan is to stay small and produce the best garlic we can without the use of chemicals or any additives which are not found in nature.  Compost teas, mulch and attention to diligent weeding and watering are our primary tools to growing great tasting garlic.

Farmer(s) Linda and Ron Creaghe
Address 28787 Hansford Road
Adelaide-Metcalfe ON N7G 3H6
Our Products Variety of speciality garlic including seeds
Our Practices Non-certified organic
Our Markets Maisonville Farmers' Market
Phone 519-281-4874
Website http://springhousegarlic.com/
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Email creaghel@live.ca
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