About Spruce Ridge Farm


Third generation farmers Paul & Elaine Lapadat enjoy putting their best, freshest produce forward at market week after week. “It’s a great thing for consumers to speak directly to the person growing the food,” says Paul, who, with his wife Elaine, has grown the Spruce Ridge market garden from 6 to 45 vast acres of fruit and vegetables. Spruce Ridge was one of the first farms ever to cater to the local ethnic community, satisfying a craving for specialty peppers.Paul & Elaine love adding new produce for their customers to savour, anticipating a bumper crop of Saskatoon berries for next year’s plates.

Farmer(s) Paul & Elaine Lapadat
Address 22450 Thomson Line R.R. 3
Rodney ON N0L 2C0
Our Products strawberries, raspberries, garlic, sweet corn, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower,green & red peppers, ethnic peppers, tomatoes (roma, heirloom & field varieties)
Our Practices Environmental Farm Plan participant, Integrated Pest Management, Ontario Farm Fresh members
Our Markets farm gate, pick your own strawberries, local grocery stores, various Farmers’ Marketsincluding Woodstock, St. Jacob’s, Ridgetown and Masonville Mall (London)
Phone 519-476-1169
Email spruceridgefarm@amtelecom.net
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