About Sungold Organics

We started Sungold Organics in March 2017 as a first generation farmer. We grow a variety of vegetables and herbs intensively in a relatively small garden using only organic practices. Our focus is salad greens, baby root vegetables, and tomatoes. We sell at London Covent Garden Outdoor Farmers’ Market, to local restaurants and supply a few local retailers. We are passionate about providing fresh produce of a very high quality while contributing to a more resilient local food system.

Farmer(s) Andrew Meehan
Address 8835 Irish Drive
Mount Brydes ON N0L 1W0
Our Products Variety of vegetables and berries
Our Practices Non-certified organic
Our Markets London Covent Garden (Outdoor) Market
Phone 519-520-0521
Website http://www.sungoldorganics.ca
Email sungoldorganics@gmail.com
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