About The Pickle Patch


At the Pickle Patch everyone loves their job! The sheep keep the pastures under control, the llamas watch out for predators, the pigs plough the fields, the chickens scratch the soil looking for insects and weed seeds and everyone fertilizes!

Hops, cucumbers, vegetables and herbs are grown and harvested for beer-making, sausages and pickles.

These industrious animals, born and raised at Pickle Patch, are rewarded with tasty special treats like spent grains from Beau’s Brewery in Vankleek Hill, whey from Glengarry Fine Cheese, garden trimmings and apples in the fall, along with certified organic grain, hay and straw.

New project this year-we will be planting chestnut, hazelnut and Korean Pine trees eventually harvesting nut treats.

Farmer(s) Aartje den Boer
Address 22190 Breadalbane Rd.
Dalkeith ON K0B 1E0
Our Products pork, lamb, poultry, hops, beeries, pickles, nitrite-free naturally smoked bacon, peameal bacon, sausages
Our Practices Heritage and specialty breeds, raised on pasture and fed organic feed; organic and natural produce and preserves
Our Markets Vankleek Hill Farmers' Market and by orders (pick-up or delivery)
Phone 613-874-2969
Website http://wwwpicklepatchfarm.com
Email picklepatchfarm@gmail.com
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