About Traynor Farms


Traynor Farms is a family owned, local-market farm providing a year-round venue to source locally produced, traditionally grown foods using regenerative farming practices. We believe that how we manage our soil, plants and animals will directly affect the physical well being of our customers.

When you buy from us, you are supporting local farm families and local businesses helping our local food economy, preserving farmland and, Keeping Jobs and Dollars Local!

Farmer(s) Greg Traynor
Address 2193 County Rd 2
Otonabee- South Monaghan ON K9J 6X7
Our Products Meats, seasonal produce
Our Practices Regenerative farming and Environmental Farm Plan
Our Markets Peterborough Farmers' Market
Phone 705-931-0696
Website http://www.traynorfarms.ca
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Twitter Visit Twitter page
Email info@traynorfarms.ca
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