About Upper Canada Heritage Farm


Focusing on the Large Black Pig Barbara believes that animals destined for our table should live a good life. She raises the pigs in large rotating paddocks where they get plenty of play and exercise – fully expressing their natural instincts for rooting. She does not ring their noses, dock their tails or clip their teeth at birth. The pigs are free of hormones, steroids, antibiotics, growth stimulants or chemicals of any kind.

Farmer(s) Barbara Schaefer
Address 11351 Miller Road
Elizabethtown-Kitley ON K0G 1R0
Our Products Large black pig
Our Practices Pasture raised naturally, following organic practices
Our Markets Farm gate, farmers' markets, home delivery
Phone 613-924-1234
Website http://www.uppercanadaheritagemeat.ca
Email heritagemeat@sympatico.ca
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