Charlen Farm
Member since 2011
Farm was in the early stages of growing produce in 1986 , with only 1 acre in production. As sales increased, the need for more product was necessary to meet customer demand was met with an additional 4 acres. Half of the farm now is made up of fruit trees , namely apples, pears and plums. Our next largest crop is rhubarb, which is available from May to July. Asparagus is also available during the month of May. Kale and spinach are grown with much success as well , followed by fresh cut flowers for weddings and Belleville Farmers' Market. Camp firewood and Kindling available if pre-ordered.

Name | Harry McMurter |
Sell at Farmgate | No |
Pick-Your-Own Offered | No |
Telephone | 613-475-4017 | | |
Products Sold | Variety of vegetables |
Other Markets Where We Sell | Meyerburg Market - south of Campbellford - Sundays by chance |
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